
BR+ NAD Treatment Studies

MoleculesNAD+ is a compound that is found in every cell in our bodies and is involved in performing essential processes at the cellular level. It was discovered in 1906 by Arthur Harden and William John Young. However, it was not until the 1940s that scientists began to understand the true potential and function of NAD+ in the human body. Since then, NAD+ has been the focus of research and even today scientists continue to search for ways in which this biomolecule can be exploited for various healthcare benefits. Read on to learn more about our BR+ NAD Treatment Center in Springfield, Louisiana.

Why Is NAD+ Necessary for the Body?

The depletion of NAD+ levels can seriously affect the health and normal functioning of the body. Here are a few cases where the normal levels of NAD+ deplete:

Research has shown that the levels of NAD+ in the body decline by about 50% when at the age of 50. What is more alarming is that by the age of 80, the NAD+ levels are only 1-10%. This explains the decline in cognitive function and the ability of the body to repair cellular damage with progression in age.

What Is the Role of NAD+ in the Body?

NAD+ is a coenzyme which is essential for human life. It plays multiple roles in performing important functions and in maintaining our physical and mental health. For example, some other functions of NAD+ include:


  • NAD+ plays a vital role in generating energy in our body through redox reactions.. It enables the transformation of energy from fatty acids and carbohydrates to the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the “powerhouses” of the cells which convert this energy into cellular energy, which then performs all the functions of body at the cellular level.

Anti-Aging Effect

  • Surtuins are a group of proteins which are involved in prolonging life in various organisms, including humans. They do this by slowing down the effects of aging on the body. Research has shown that the Surtuins only function in the presence of NAD+. Therefore, by increasing the level of NAD+ in the body the effects of aging on the body can be slowed down.

Signaling and Regulation

  • This is one of the most important functions of NAD+. It plays a role as an extracellular signaling molecule which promotes communication between the cells. Research has shown that NAD+ comes from the neurons in the blood vessels, intestines, urinary tract and nervous system. It basically functions as a potent neurotransmitter which relays information from the nerves to the smooth muscles. Therefore, NAD+ has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of various nervous disorders, and in treatment of addiction. A recent study published in 2018 has shown that NAD+ can enhance cognitive function in patients affected with different neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. 

DNA Repair

  • According to groundbreaking research by a team of medical scientists at Harvard Medical School, NAD+ is a regulator which promotes interaction among DNA repair proteins. In addition, NAD+ also slows down DNA damage associated with old age and radiation exposure.

How to Boost NAD+ Levels in the Body

The good news is that there are easy steps you can take to increase NAD+ levels in the body. For example, here are a few of them:

  • Exercise and Physical Activity – apart from making you feel good, exercise also increases NAD+ levels in the body. So how does this happen? It’s simple. The more physical activity you perform, the more energy your body needs, which can be done by increasing NAD+ levels.
  • Eat Raw Foods Rich in Vitamin B – B type Vitamins are present in many natural foods and they are helpful in increasing the body’s levels of NAD+. However, don’t cook these foods as they can destroy the NAD+. The best option is to eat these foods in a raw form, or to steam/ bake them instead of boiling.
  • Say no to Processed Foods – when the foods are processed during preparation, they lose most of the essential nutrients and their nutritional value. Therefore, you should switch to whole grain foods which are not only more nutritious but are also rich in B-Vitamins- an abundant source of NAD+.
  • Eat Lots of Proteins – proteins obtained from poultry, fish, mushrooms, nuts, and eggs are excellent sources of NAD+. Try adding them into your daily diet.
  • Fasting – this may not sound real, but when you are hungry, your body produces more NAD+ to convert the fats and carbohydrates into energy. So, going hungry for some time might actually be good for your mind and body.