
Cost Comparison Chart

person using laptop to research nad iv therapy costIf you or a loved one is struggling with addiction or a neurodegenerative disease, NAD IV therapy may be a treatment option worth considering. However, the cost of NAD IV therapy can vary depending on the clinic and location.

How much is NAD IV therapy? At Springfield Wellness Center, we understand that cost can be a barrier to accessing treatment, and we strive to make our services affordable and accessible to those who need them.

If you or a loved one is looking for NAD treatment programs, we offer multiple options to fit individual needs and budgets. Call 844.334.4727 today to learn more about our NAD therapy options and pricing.

Background on NAD IV Therapy Costs

NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme found in all living cells and plays a crucial role in energy production, DNA repair, and cellular metabolism. NAD IV therapy involves administering high doses of NAD directly into the bloodstream to replenish levels of this essential molecule in the body.

Due to its potential benefits for addiction recovery and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, NAD IV therapy has gained popularity in recent years. However, as with any medical treatment, it comes at a cost.

Assessment and Individualized Treatment Fees

At Springfield Wellness Center, we offer an in-person assessment for $350. This assessment is an important step in determining the best course of treatment for each individual and allows us to tailor our services to their specific needs. Our individualized BR+NAD® treatment is priced at $1,650 per day. This fee includes all necessary medical support, including nursing care, physician supervision, and lab work.

Insurance and Financial Aid

At Springfield Wellness Center, we accept most insurance plans, including Medicaid and Medicare. However, not all insurance plans cover NAD IV therapy, so it is important to check with your provider to determine your coverage.

Comparing NAD IV Therapy Costs

When comparing the cost of NAD IV therapy, it is important to consider the quality of care and the clinic’s experience. Some clinics may offer lower prices but may not have the same level of medical support or experience in administering NAD IV therapy.

Springfield Wellness Center has been a pioneer in NAD IV therapy and has over a decade of experience in treating addiction and neurodegenerative diseases with this therapy. Our team of medical professionals has extensive training and experience in administering NAD IV therapy and providing the necessary medical support to ensure the safety and efficacy of the treatment.

Contact Springfield Wellness Center Today to Begin NAD IV Therapy

If you or a loved one is considering NAD IV therapy, we encourage you to contact Springfield Wellness Center to learn more about our services and how we can help. Our team of medical professionals is dedicated to providing personalized and effective treatment for addiction and neurodegenerative diseases.

Contact us today at [Direct[ or online to schedule an assessment and take the first step toward a healthier and happier life.