
NAD Blog

Understanding the Alcohol Detox Timeline

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Detoxing from alcohol is an integral part of moving into treatment and recovery, but you need to have a proper alcohol detox timeline. That way, you know where you stand and can focus on all the areas of life that are important to you in the future. You don’t need to live life addicted when there’s help available to you.

At Springfield Wellness Center, we can provide you with the support and treatment you need to live a healthier, happier life. Even if you’ve sought help before or lived with alcohol addiction for a long time, we have the treatment programs that can help you succeed and live a life that you can feel good about each day.

The timeline is essential, but getting into recovery and staying there is the most critical thing. For information about our alcohol detox program, contact Springfield Wellness Center today at 844.334.4727.

What Is an Alcohol Detox Timeline?

An alcohol detox timeline is the length of time it takes for you to move through the detox process. That timeline can vary somewhat between people, but it’s going to be similar for everyone because it takes time for the body to detox safely.

About 8 hours after your first drink, you will experience the first withdrawal symptoms. You may have a headache and feel shaky. After about 24-72 hours, your symptoms peak. Depending on the strength of your addiction, your symptoms may include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Mental confusion
  • Delerium Tremens (Hallucinations, fever, seizures, and other symptoms)
  • Irritability
  • A high rate of respiration

After 5 to 7 days, your symptoms will begin to taper off and become less intense. Some side effects of alcohol detox may continue through the next few weeks, but they will not be as intense.

You want to detox in a medical setting where you can feel safe and cared for properly. We dedicate ourselves to helping you safely detox, so you can work toward a full and lasting recovery you can feel good about every day. It’s essential to have options and work with trusted professionals who can help you get the support and guidance you need to succeed in life. Detoxing from alcohol is possible, and we’ll help you during and after the process with the treatment and tools you need.

Get Treatment Options Designed for Your Success

The right treatment options are essential to your health and wellness because getting the proper treatment can mean a shorter alcohol detox timeline and a faster recovery that’s stronger and longer-lasting.

There are plenty of options for better health and opportunities to break free from an addiction to alcohol. Our programs are designed for that, along with other wellness options, to be happier and healthier overall. You can then focus on a bright and happy future once you’ve worked through your alcohol detox timeline.

Let Springfield Wellness Center Help You Today

You don’t need to settle for a life where addiction to alcohol has control. You can conquer your addiction and live a life you feel good about when you attend the right facility for treatment and proper help. When you work with us, some of the opportunities we can provide you with include treatments that help with:

Contact us at 844.334.4727 today, and let us help you get on the road that leads to a strong and lasting recovery. Then you’ll be able to get back to living the life that’s right for you, and you can be free of addiction concerns and worries for the future. There’s no reason to live an addicted life when you can live one that’s clean and sober. It’s much healthier, and you can enjoy the better quality of life that comes with it for the long term.