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Is Alzheimer’s Genetic?

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Most people with dementia have a specific condition called Alzheimer’s disease. This disease has a variety of potential causes. Included among those causes are details of your genetic background. Your genes can affect your chances of getting Alzheimer’s in not one but two ways. Regardless of how you develop the disease, there is a pressing need for Alzheimer’s and dementia treatment. As of today, Alzheimer’s treatment centers cannot provide you with a cure. However, they can help preserve your quality of life for as long as possible.

At Springfield Wellness Center, we’re committed to helping you, and your loved one cope with the effects of Alzheimer’s. We offer a range of treatments designed to slow the progress of the disease. Included among your options is NAD therapy, a unique approach that promotes underlying brain health. We use this therapy as part of a larger, coordinated plan to help you preserve brain function.

Alzheimer’s Genetic Connection: Risk Genes

Researchers have identified a total of four Alzheimer’s-related genes, known by the abbreviations:

  • APOE
  • PS-1
  • PS-2
  • APP

These genes fall into two separate categories: risk genes and deterministic genes. Risk genes are by far the most common. Experts use this term for a gene that doesn’t directly cause an illness. Instead, it increases your overall chances of being affected.

When it comes to Alzheimer’s, the main risk gene is APOE. This gene comes in three common forms, which vary slightly from each other:

  • APOE-e2
  • APOE-e3
  • APOE-e4

If you inherit APOE-e2 or APOEe3 versions of the gene, they won’t increase your Alzheimer’s risks. However, if you inherit a copy of APOE-e4 from either parent, your odds of developing the disease increase. If you inherit a copy from both parents, those odds increase even further.

Roughly 20% to 30% of all Americans have inherited at least one APOE-e4 gene from their parents. About 2% of all Americans have two copies of this gene. How significant is the APOE-e4 risk? Anywhere from 40% to 65% of people with Alzheimer’s carry this gene.

Alzheimer’s Genetic Connection: Deterministic Genes

Deterministic genes have a much greater impact than risk genes. That’s true because they act as a direct cause. If you inherit one of them, you will definitely develop the illness in question.

Less than 1% of all cases of Alzheimer’s are caused by deterministic genes. Scientists have identified these genes in no more than several hundred family bloodlines. Not only do they ensure that Alzheimer’s will occur. They also trigger the development of the disease at an unusually early age.

The Importance of Dementia Treatment Centers

No matter what triggers Alzheimer’s, one thing is clear: if you get help in the early stages of the disease, you can potentially delay its progression. Again, dementia treatment centers do not cure Alzheimer’s. To date, no such cure has been found. However, a number of treatments can help you stay healthy and functional for longer periods of time. Common options include both medication and non-medical symptom management.

Springfield Wellness’ Alzheimer’s Treatment Center Provides a Unique Option

At Springfield Wellness Center, we specialize in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. That includes Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Our customized treatment plans rely on multiple methods to support brain health.

Key among these methods is NAD therapy. This therapy helps correct fundamental chemical imbalances inside your brain. By doing so, it helps your brain perform some of its most critical tasks. And the better your brain functions, the greater its potential capacity to cope with the impact of Alzheimer’s. Springfield Wellness is America’s NAD therapy pioneer. To learn more about how this therapy can help, call us today at 844.334.4727 or fill out our online form.