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Managing the Effects of CTE

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Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, is a progressive brain illness. This illness inevitably grows worse over time. However, with guidance, you can manage some of the effects of CTE. A number of things may help you achieve this crucial goal. One modern option you may want to consider is NAD IV therapy for CTE. At Springfield Wellness Center, we helped pioneer the use of NAD IV therapy in the United States. We feature this therapy as an option for treating several degenerative brain diseases, including CTE. Our goal is to help you manage this condition as effectively as possible.

What Is CTE?

Researchers classify CTE according to two things: its potential causes and its potential symptoms. There is no definitive cause for the illness. However, research shows that it affects people exposed to multiple traumatic brain injuries or TBIs. Possible sources of TBIs include:

  • Concussions during football or other contact sports
  • Head injuries sustained during combat
  • Serious motor vehicle accidents
  • Physical violence

Symptoms of CTE

There are also no universally agreed-upon symptoms of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. The symptoms most commonly linked to the illness include:

  • Harmful changes in your everyday thought processes
  • Memory problems
  • Profound feelings of confusion
  • Changes in your normal personality
  • Mood swings
  • Unpredictable behavior that may consist of aggression or violence

You may also have difficulty focusing your attention or controlling your body. As a rule, a CTE diagnosis is only made after death.

Options for Managing the Effects of CTE

The effects of CTE cannot be stopped or cured. In addition, no treatment provides consistent results. What’s more, no one can say for sure that you’re affected while you are still alive.

Despite these facts, managing the effects of chronic traumatic encephalopathy remains a vital objective. If you even suspect you have this illness, getting a management plan is vital for your long-term wellbeing.

Most of the steps in managing the effects of CTE focus on specific symptoms. For example, if you suffer from mood swings, you may benefit from some form of behavioral therapy. If you suffer from chronic pain, relief of that pain might help ease your mental burden. Daily memory exercises may help improve or stabilize your recall abilities if you’re having difficulty remembering things.

Managing the Effects of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy With NAD IV Therapy

NAD IV therapy is a form of intravenous or IV supplementation. It aims to substantially increase your natural supply of nicotinic adenine dinucleotide, or NAD. This chemical is not well known. Nonetheless, it plays an essential role in some of your body’s most basic survival functions. These functions include the repair of DNA and cell damage. They also regulate your internal energy use and rate of aging.

An effective management plan for CTE may include NAD IV therapy. When this therapy boosts your NAD levels, it has a restorative effect on your brain function. This effect may not target specific symptoms of CTE. However, it provides essential underlying support for brain health. In this way, NAD IV therapy may be a necessary addition to your overall management plan.

Get Help Managing Your Health at Springfield Wellness Center

Do you want to learn more about managing the effects of CTE with NAD IV therapy? Contact the professionals at Springfield Wellness Center. We specialize in the use of NAD therapy for the management of progressive brain illnesses. We also provide a range of additional options that you can customize to meet your needs. With our help, you can improve your brain health and potentially ease some of the impacts of CTE. Call us today at 844.334.4727 for more information.