
NAD Blog

Signs of Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

older woman with hands folded wondering about signs of early onset alzheimers

Alzheimer’s disease is the world’s most common form of dementia. Most people develop this condition later in life. However, others develop early-onset Alzheimer’s. This version of the disease appears in roughly one out of every 20 affected people. Its symptoms don’t differ from those of Alzheimer’s that occurs at an older age. If you know what to look for, you can detect signs of its approach as early as possible. An Alzheimer’s treatment program will help you cope with either form of the illness.

What Are the Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s is a progressive condition that unfolds in stages. Each stage represents a worsening of its effects. Common early signs of the disease include:

  • Memory loss severe enough to start disrupting your ability to function
  • Difficulty solving problems or making plans
  • Problems trying to perform familiar tasks
  • Confusion about your location or the time of day, week, etc.
  • Problems interpreting visual or spatial information
  • Unusual difficulty when writing or speaking
  • Misplacing something and not knowing how to retrace your actions
  • A reduced ability to make rational judgments
  • Withdrawal from everyday life activities
  • Significant changes in your typical personality and mood

As Alzheimer’s disease advances, these symptoms grow worse. You also develop new symptoms that further damage your ability to function. People with late-stage Alzheimer’s are severely impaired. Ultimately, the condition is fatal.

What Are the Signs of Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease?

Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed in people who develop the illness before the age of 65. It most often appears between the ages of 30 and 60. What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s for people in this age range? As a rule, they don’t differ from those found in older people. They just begin when you’re unusually young. And once they appear, they follow the same progression as Alzheimer’s that develops when you’re 65 or older.

There is no single cause of the signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s. However, one identified risk factor is genetic. Specifically, your chances of being affected go up if you have certain versions of these three genes:

  • APP
  • PSEN 1
  • PSEN 2

Only slightly more than 10% of all people with early-onset symptoms have the identified genetic variations. This means that the vast majority of people with the condition don’t carry them. Ask your doctor about the upsides and downsides of undergoing genetic testing.

Diagnosing Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

No matter when Alzheimer’s strikes, early diagnosis is critical. The disease cannot be cured. But early detection means that you can start treatment before it progresses to later stages. This treatment won’t stop your condition from worsening over time. However, it can help slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s if the disease is spotted soon enough.

Unfortunately, early-onset Alzheimer’s is often overlooked by doctors. That’s true because they simply don’t expect to see the disease in younger people. When symptoms are detected, they may be attributed to other causes. It can take quite a while to overcome these hurdles and get an accurate diagnosis. Nevertheless, proper diagnosis is the only way to ensure that treatment starts promptly.

Turn to Springfield Wellness for Treatment of the Signs of Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

Concerned that you or your loved one may be developing early-onset Alzheimer’s? Talk to the professionals at Springfield Wellness Center. We have the expertise needed to identify Alzheimer’s that occurs at any age.

Springfield Wellness also offers high-quality Alzheimer’s treatment. Our goal is to help you maximize your daily function for as long as possible. We rely on multiple methods to meet this goal, including NAD+ therapy, which supports your brain health in crucial ways. For more information on our Alzheimer’s treatment options, call us today at 844.334.4727. We’re also available through our online form.