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Alcohol-Induced Dementia Symptoms

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In the US, millions of people are affected by some form of dementia. The most common form is Alzheimer’s disease, which gradually damages some of your brain’s key functions. Effective Alzheimer’s treatment can help slow its progress if you have this disease. However, some people don’t have a classic, dementia-related illness. Instead, they have something called alcohol-induced dementia. If you drink, it’s important to be aware of the risks of this condition. It’s also important to learn how to spot its potential symptoms.

What Is Alcohol Dementia?

Dementia is an umbrella term for any illness that leads to long-term damage to your normal mental function. That illness may result from a brain disease like Alzheimer’s. However, it can also stem from any kind of serious brain damage or injury.

With this in mind, exactly what is alcohol dementia? This is a term for chronic brain damage caused by long-term heavy drinking. As a rule, people with this form of dementia are affected by alcoholism. Chronic exposure to excessive amounts of alcohol is known to harm your brain. Unfortunately, this harm is not only chemical. It also affects the actual structures of your brain’s tissues. 

Common Alcohol-Induced Dementia Symptoms

Not everyone with alcohol-related brain damage has the same kinds of symptoms. However, certain symptoms of dementia are common. These symptoms include problems doing things such as:

  • Maintaining mental focus
  • Planning
  • Problem-solving
  • Making sound judgments or decisions
  • Controlling your emotions
  • Developing the motivation needed to carry out important tasks

You may also find it difficult to respond appropriately to others in social situations.

Alcohol-Induced Dementia Symptoms: Effects on Your Memory and Mood

Memory problems are another potential alcohol dementia symptom. These problems may manifest in a variety of ways. For example, you may lose your ability to take in new information and retain it. You may also have difficulty accessing memories of things that happened in the past. 

Mood-related issues are also possible. These issues may lead to the frequent presence of harmful emotional states such as:

  • Depression
  • Irritability or agitation
  • Apathy or lethargy

These moods are a concern because they can reinforce a damaging pattern of heavy drinking.

Physical Alcohol Dementia Symptoms

Alcohol-induced dementia can also have physical effects. A key concern is a declining ability to balance your body and coordinate your movements. These problems arise when damage occurs in the part of your brain responsible for motor control.

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

Chronic heavy drinking can also lead to the onset of something called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Technically, this syndrome is not a form of dementia. However, it can have a similar impact on your mental and physical function. 

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is the result of a serious deficiency of vitamin B, or thiamine. You rely on this vitamin to support the health of your brain cells. If your levels of it fall too low, damage can eventually occur. Unfortunately, alcohol interferes with your ability to absorb thiamine.

People with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome may feel confused or disoriented. They may also have some degree of memory loss. In addition, affected people may have difficulty balancing their bodies. 

Seek Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment in LA at Springfield Wellness

Are you in need of dementia or Alzheimer’s treatment in LA? Turn to Springfield Wellness Center. Whatever the source of your dementia symptoms, we can help you create a treatment plan that meets your needs. Each plan at Springfield Wellness Center is customized with a variety of options. 

Those options include NAD+ therapy, a pioneering method of brain support and restoration. We are the original providers of this therapy in the US, and we’re dedicated to its effective use. For more information, just fill out our convenient online form or call us today at 844.334.4727.