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Getting Out of a Mental Health Rut

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In America and throughout the world, mental health issues are common. These issues may be minor or temporary. However, all too often, mental health problems are prolonged and severe. For example, if you experience a single depression episode, your general health may be fine. On the other hand, multiple depressive episodes over a short period are signs of a diagnosable illness.

No matter the extent of your mental health issues, you can take steps to improve your situation. At Springfield Wellness Center, we’re dedicated to helping you recover from depression and other severe conditions. With state-of-the-art treatments, we offer unique solutions that support your lasting well-being. Learn more about getting out of a mental health rut by calling 844.334.4727.

Basics of a Short-Term Depressive Rut

It would be difficult or impossible to find a human being who has never felt “down” or depressed. Such feelings are more or less universal. Most of the time, depressive states don’t last for long. In addition, they often have limited effects. Still, from time to time, you may feel significantly more depressed than usual. Things that can lead to such a state include:

  • Having relationship problems
  • Losing your job
  • Retiring from work
  • Experiencing major physical health issues
  • Being in a severe accident
  • Having a loved one who dies

These down states are often self-correcting. With the passing of days or weeks, they fade, and you feel better. In some cases, these temporary states may be severe enough to make it hard for you to function. If that happens, your depressive rut may qualify as an official depressive episode. A single, isolated episode is a cause for concern. However, it doesn’t mean that you have full-blown depression.

Basics of Diagnosable Depression

If you experience at least two depressive episodes, you meet one of the key criteria for an official depression diagnosis. The most severe depressive illness is major depression. However, you may also suffer from other conditions, including seasonal depression or persistent depression. Your doctor or mental health specialist can diagnose the symptoms of each of these conditions.

Getting Out of Your Rut

You can take a number of steps to ease your depressive rut and help yourself feel better. The long list of expert recommendations includes:

  • Taking better care of yourself through exercise, diet, and proper sleep
  • Training yourself to see the positive in life whenever possible
  • Practicing meditation
  • Enrolling in a relaxation or stress management class
  • Taking steps to build up your connections to other people

Each of these actions will also help reduce the impact of diagnosable depression.

Seeking Mental Health Treatment

If you have a depressive illness, you need to do more than practice self-care. You must also seek professional mental health treatment. That’s the only way to gain access to all of the resources available today. It’s also the best way to make sure that you have enough recovery support.
Mental health treatment for depression typically includes medication. However, there are also other options you can add to your recovery plan. These options include multiple forms of psychotherapy and counseling. They also have more innovative techniques that are just now emerging in the 21st century.

Learn More at Springfield Wellness Center

Want to learn more about how you can break free from depression? Talk to the professionals at Springfield Wellness Center. We take a holistic approach to depression treatment that seeks to address the roots of the illness. That treatment features the use of a brain restoration technique called NAD+ therapy. With the help of this therapy, you can correct certain chemical imbalances inside your brain. The result is a decrease in the underlying circumstances that make depression possible. For more information, call us today at 844.334.4727. We also offer an online contact form for your convenience.