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How Does Drug Detox Work?

doctor answering the question how does drug detox work for patient

If addiction is affecting you or someone you know, you may have heard that detox is central to the recovery process. But why is this the case? And how does detox fit in with the other things you need to do to regain lasting sobriety? Answers to these questions can help clarify the methods used to treat drug problems. They can also help motivate your decision to enroll in a drug detox center in Springfield, Louisiana.

What Is Drug Detox? The Principles of Detoxification

Addictive substances are toxic to your system. This fact helps explain why drugs can do so much damage to your brain and body. It also helps explain why detoxification, or detox, marks the starting point of addiction recovery. When detox begins, your system is still filled with the substance in question. When it ends, your system will be substance-free and you’ll be ready to continue your journey toward recovery.

How do you progress from intoxication to a substance-free state? Effective detoxification uses a step-by-step process to support the achievement of this goal. First, it’s important to determine such things as:

  • How long you’ve been using a given drug
  • The type and amount of the substance(s) in your bloodstream
  • How badly you’re affected by addiction

The details of your drug detox plan are based on this kind of information.

How Does Drug Detox Work – Keeping Your System Stable

You can’t go through detox unless you’re well enough to complete the process. For this reason, everyone enrolled in a detox program receives some form of stabilization and support. One basic but essential step is keeping you free of unnecessary stress. It’s also important to track vital signs such as your heart rate, body temperature, and breathing rate.

In addition, you may need help combating some of addiction’s most common bodily effects. The list of these effects includes dehydration. It also includes significant nutrient deficiencies.

Helping You Withdraw From the Drugs in Your System

Withdrawal is a common part of drug detox. It occurs when your system, now accustomed to a given substance, no longer receives that substance in typical amounts. At their full strength, the effects of withdrawal can interfere with your recovery by:

  • Leaving you in more discomfort than you can tolerate
  • Increasing the odds that you will seek relief by restarting active drug use

Detox specialists are aware of these potential issues. That’s why they do everything possible to minimize withdrawal’s intensity and ability to destabilize you. The specific methods of achieving this goal vary from drug to drug, as well as from person to person.

NAD+ Therapy – A New Way to Support Your System During Drug Detox

Detox professionals can also use NAD+ therapy to help make withdrawal more tolerable. This therapy provides a targeted boost to your body’s levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). In turn, increases in your natural supply of this chemical can support your system throughout the detox process. That support may be crucial to repairing some of addiction’s impact on your basic ability to function.

How Does Drug Detox Work? Get More Information at Springfield Wellness Center

What is drug detox? It’s a structured process designed to help you get sober before you start active addiction recovery. How does drug detox work? The most essential methods include stabilizing your health and making withdrawal more bearable.

At Springfield Wellness Center, we specialize in customized detox from addictive drugs. We also specialize in the use of NAD+ therapy, an option not available in all detoxification programs. To find out more about this therapy, as well as our other detox options, just call us today at 844.334.4727. You can also reach us through our brief online message form.