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Signs of Stimulant Withdrawal

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Stimulants are a large group of substances that speed up your nervous xtosystem and produce a powerful sensation called euphoria. If you abuse any of these substances, you can get addicted to them. One of the classic hallmarks of all forms of addiction is the onset of withdrawal. Stimulant withdrawal has its own particular set of signs or symptoms. To safeguard your health and go through withdrawal safely, you need help from a stimulant detox center.

Springfield Wellness Center provides detox services for all major addictive substances, including targeted stimulant detox. Our cutting-edge techniques help you cope with your withdrawal symptoms. In this way, they also support the effective start of your long-term recovery.

Why Do Stimulant Withdrawal Symptoms Occur?

Why do people who are addicted to stimulants experience withdrawal symptoms? The initial development of your addiction sets the withdrawal stage, as addiction occurs when you gradually become dependent on a stimulant. Dependence means that your brain has come to expect the presence of the substance you use. It doesn’t matter if that’s a street drug or medication. Dependence takes two forms, either physical dependence or emotional/psychological dependence.

Withdrawal is possible because of your brain’s established expectation of receiving more stimulants. It occurs when you stop taking enough stimulants to meet that need. At its core, withdrawal is your brain’s way of trying to hold on to its new norm of stimulant use by producing warning signs that your use is not meeting its need for stimulants.

Signs of Stimulant Withdrawal

There are several classic signs of stimulant withdrawal. Some of these issues affect your mind and emotions, while others affect your body. Examples of both types of symptoms may include:

  • Sleeplessness or extreme sleepiness
  • A depressed mental state
  • Nightmares
  • A general sense of feeling unwell
  • Unusually slow thoughts and body movements
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Feelings of paranoia
  • An increased appetite
  • Cravings for more stimulants

The exact symptoms vary from situation to situation. Withdrawal symptoms also vary in intensity. Depending on your circumstances, they may be anywhere from mild to severe. Most people make it through withdrawal in a few days. However, symptoms sometimes last for more extended amounts of time.

Detox for Stimulant Withdrawal Symptoms

If you are hoping to break an addiction to stimulants, you may need to weather the effects of withdrawal. This is often an effective way to establish your sobriety and get started on the path to recovery. You may find this extremely hard to do on your own. A much more reliable and safe approach is to enter a professional stimulant detox program.

Stimulant detox can help you get through withdrawal without relapsing. It achieves this goal by providing supportive care that helps limit the intensity of your symptoms. In a detox program, you also receive medical monitoring that helps protect your general health. Furthermore, as an added benefit, supervised detox helps prepare you for what comes next in a stimulant rehab program.

Learn More at Springfield Wellness

Have additional questions about what happens during stimulant withdrawal? Just contact the recovery experts at Springfield Wellness Center. We’ll provide you with everything you need to improve your understanding of withdrawal and its possible symptoms.

Springfield Wellness is also your source for top-quality stimulant detox. We rely on a combination of methods to help you detox safely and effectively. Those methods include a brain restoration technique called NAD+ therapy. This therapy helps restore your brain’s natural chemical balance. In turn, it helps create conditions that reduce the severity of stimulant withdrawal. Call us today at 844.334.4727 or fill out our handy online form for more information on our customized therapy plans.